Reflections from China Interlubric Expo 2024

China Interlubric Expo 2024, a leading event for the lubricant industry in China drew a diverse group of exhibitors and attendees. Our presence at the expo, provided valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the lubricant industry. In this article, we share our reflections and observations from the event, focusing on synthetic lubricant demand, supply chain localization, and the role of sustainability in the industry.

Rising demand for synthetic lubricants 

The demand for synthetic lubricants is on the rise, driven by the need for higher performance in various applications. Our observations at the expo highlighted several trends: 

  • Electric Vehicles (EVs): The need for high dielectric properties and improved lubricity to enhance the efficiency and safety of EVs. 
  • Hydraulic Systems and Transformers: The industry is focused on fire safety and operational reliability Demand for biodegradable fluids is increasing with stricter environmental regulations.
  • Refrigeration Systems: Increased demand for high-efficiency solutions. High-performance lubricants are essential for improving the energy efficiency of non-ozone depleting refrigeration systems, critical for both industrial and residential applications. 
  • Food Grade Applications: The need for lubricants that meet stringent safety and performance standards. Ensuring these lubricants are non-toxic and biodegradable is vital for maintaining food safety and complying with regulatory standards. 

Synthetic esters play a critical role in meeting these performance requirements, either as base oil formulations or as part of additive packages. These advanced lubricants are well-regarded for their performance, heat resistance, and ability to be purpose-engineered for specific applications.  

With the growing demand, competition is also intensifying. Customers are increasingly seeking innovative products and partners who can help them differentiate themselves in the market or explore new applications. 

Localizing supply chains in China 

Supply chain security and resilience have become increasingly important in the lubricant industry. Reliability is a key consideration for customers when introducing any new product. At the China Interlubric Expo, we observed a strong push towards localizing supply chains, including the integration of Perstorp’s building blocks into local manufacturing processes. This trend reflects the industry's effort to ensure consistent and reliable supply in the face of global uncertainties. 

Sustainability in the development roadmap 

Sustainability continues to be a central theme in the lubricant industry, with many companies showcasing their sustainability statements and goals. Although some customers may not yet have clear timelines or action plans, the direction is evident.  

At the expo, we showcased our commitment to sustainability, highlighting our approach and how our solutions align with various segments’ sustainability goals. This includes the development of products with a lower carbon footprint, and a focus on long-term sustainability benefits which support the industry's broader move towards sustainable and circular value chains.  

China Interlubric Expo 2024 provided a comprehensive overview of the lubricant industry's current state and direction. Perstorp remains committed to addressing these trends through continuous innovation and by offering reliable, high-performing, and sustainable solutions. We look forward to leveraging these insights to help unleash  lubricant performance with synthetic ester chemistry, driving future growth and contributing to the advancement of the lubricant industry.  

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Logan Tseng

Business Development Director Engineered Fluids

+886 988 349 490

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Logan Tseng

Business Development Director Engineered Fluids

+886 988 349 490

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