Project Air: Ground breaking innovation for the industrial transition

What does it take to reduce 500 000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year? Our answer is spelled: Residue streams from own operations, biogas and renewable hydrogen.

Closing the loop with Project Air 

Project Air is Perstorp´s industrial initiative to transform the chemical industry towards climate neutrality, with far-reaching effects throughout plenty of industrial value chains.  

Project Air captures and utilizes carbon dioxide, which would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere, to produce sustainable methanol. This is then used as a raw material for chemical products which are in turn used in a variety of applications. From mobile phone screens to paints, varnishes and the fabrics in our clothes. This decreases the climate footprint throughout several value chains. 

Annual emission savings corresponding to 340 000 fossil driven cars 

The project will produce sustainable methanol for chemical manufacturing using circular production methods. Perstorp will build a Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) plant in Stenungsund, Sweden, that will convert carbon dioxide emissions captured from its operations as well as other residue streams, biogas and renewable hydrogen to methanol. The innovative technology is significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The annual savings correspond to the emissions of 340 000 new cars running on fossil fuel.  

Read more about Project Air in our sustainability report>>