Site Amsterdam - Perstorp

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Main products: Synthetic esters 

Welcome to Site Amsterdam, an ester plant located outside Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  

Dedicated to success in the synthetic ester business 

In December 2024 Perstorp acquired site Amsterdam, to manufacture a new range of synthetic esters. The acquisition of site Amsterdam was Perstorp’s first step toward growth in the synthetic ester business, targeting the specialty fluids markets. Site Amsterdam enables Perstorp to become suppliers of synthetic fluids that enable sustainability benefits such as enhanced operational safety, cooling efficiency, and reduced fluid maintenance.

Joost Overeijnder

Plant Manager, Site Amsterdam

Contact me

General information:

Perstorp Amsterdam B.V
Hornweg 14, 1045AR Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20-4489 555

map and driving directions
Perstorps site in Amsterdam

Advancing in the growing market of Engineered Fluids and synthetic esters

Synthetic esters offer a higher and more predictable performance properties, be better engineered than current used alternatives and be a better fit for sophisticated and detailed applications. The market is growing and synthetic fluids are becoming the given choice within several industries.

Some of the many benefits with these products are reduced energy consumption and long service intervals. The market shift toward synthetic esters is driven by the demand for more advanced and sophisticated end products, along with regulatory and environmental considerations.

Perstorp are committed and a dedicated sustainable solutions provider in various industrial and specialty chemicals spaces and also partner in new technology applications.

Joost Overeijnder

Plant Manager, Site Amsterdam

Contact me