No more concerns about heat stress at VIV Asia 2025

We'll be exhibiting at the upcoming VIV Asia 2025! You'll be able to find us right at the start of hall number 3 at booth 4310. It will be hard to miss. We hope to see you there!

VIV Asia is the largest event of its kind by far and we wouldn't miss it! Last edition attracted over 47.000 visitors to Bangkok to solidify that point. 

No more concerns about heat stress: that's gut wealth

Our main theme for this event is heat stress. Heat stress is a growing concern in our industry due to global warming. Fortunately though, our knowledge on how to have effective animal production in times of heat stress is also growing. Being up to speed with regards to this knowledge can give a real competitive advantage in today's landscape and save you some restless nights. 

Removing your concerns is what our gut wealth vision is all about. No more concerns about heat stress is our mission. We want our customers to sleep soundly knowing that they have done all the best for their animals to assist them in coping with heat stress. Not just via our solutions such as ProPhorce™ AC 299, Gastrivix™ Avi and ProPhorce™ SR but with every bit of knowledge and experience that we have at our disposal. Doesn't that sound wonderful? If you'd like to know more, drop by our booth at 3-4310 or make an appointment through the contact at the top right. 

Want to know more about our gut wealth concept? You can find all about it by following the link below. 

Register now

To reduce queues at the entrance of VIV Asia, the organization is now promoting pre-registrations more than ever. Onsite registration will be charged this year. So make sure you register beforehand using this link!

Jim Ren

VP Sales Animal Nutrition APAC

+86 13501084758

Contact me

Jim Ren

VP Sales Animal Nutrition APAC

+86 13501084758

Contact me

No more concerns about gut health; that's gut wealth

No more concerns about gut health


 That's gut wealth

Find out more about gut wealth here >>