"Summer work safely" at Site Perstorp

To prevent summer workers from having accidents during summer holidays, a unique concept called {sommarjobba säkert – summer work safely} was developed and introduced at Perstorp’s production unit in Perstorp, Sweden. Now, for the second year in a row, the summer at Site Perstorp has been accident-free.

“Everyone on the site is engaged in {summer work safely} one way or another. A great amount of engagement, energy and care has contributed to creating a safe and secure working environment for us all”, Mats Tallving, communicator at Site Perstorp, says.

Perstorp hires around 120 summer workers each year, and the main purpose of the {summer work safely} concept is of course that no one should get hurt while working on Perstorp. Starting three years ago, a more structured and safety-focused approach towards introducing and training summer workers was initiated, an approach that eventually evolved into {summer work safely}.

The model consists of several essential parts. For instance, there is a number of introductions for summer workers that all share the same message – “Do not be afraid to ask!”. The introductions are tailor-made for the summer workers to fit their needs and tasks during the summer. Another important part of {summer work safely} is the education of mentors on site, to prepare them for the responsibility of training and leading summer workers throughout the summer period.

Oskar Lindberg, Manager EHSQ at Site Perstorp, is happy with the outcome of {summer work safely}:

“A fantastic result for {summer work safely} and an incredible support from mentors, managers and employees who have helped with all preventive work to keep our workplace safe during the summer.”

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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