Meet us at PVC Formulations 2017!
Meet us in 2 weeks at AMI's 9th international PVC Formulation conference, which will take place from February 27 until March 1 at the Maritim Hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany!
Globally the PVC markets have been changing radically in the past 3 years with China developing PVC from coal, the US benefiting from low cost feedstock, and consolidation of the compounding industry in Europe. PVC Formulation 2017 provides a place to stay up to date with the latest technical and market developments and refresh your professional network of PVC contacts.
The 2-day technical program will include a presentation by Technical Market Development Manager Plasticizers Anders Magnusson on optimizing flexible PVC formulations based on polyol esters, including selection of the most suitable stabilizers.
Official website for PVC Formulations >>
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