Jumping through hoops for a better tomorrow

In a world where if your hens fall ill antibiotics no longer effectively treat the diseases, you need to set out and look for answers. At VIV Asia this year you can meet Per, who has taken his responsibilities and set forth to find answers. Will you come to meet him at our booth and help him to find answers? An interview with this fascinating gentleman:

Per - help him find his True North

Could you please introduce yourself?
“My name is Per. I’m a poultry farmer from Sweden with a flock of 100.000 broilers. “

Why did you set off on your inspiring journey?
“As of 2044, a few years ago, antibiotics stopped working against the diseases my hens get. That is why I am now looking for alternatives: ways to keep them healthy and keep performance up”.

Why are you going to VIV Asia?
“I have found some answers to my questions, but I feel I can’t do it alone. At VIV Asia I hope to meet kindred spirits that can help me to progress in my journey and get closer to my goals.”

Help Per find his True North

Feeling for Per? You can help him out! Visit our booth at VIV Asia and help him to complete his journey. Along the way you can win nice prizes! We hope to see you in Bangkok at booth 2310 in hall 102. We hope to see you there! Want to make an appointment? Please contact Jim Ren on the right side of the page. 


Jim Ren

VP Sales Animal Nutrition APAC

+86 13501084758

Contact me

Tony Toebak

Marketing Communications Manager Animal Nutrition

+31 416 317 721

Contact me

Jim Ren

VP Sales Animal Nutrition APAC

+86 13501084758

Contact me

Tony Toebak

Marketing Communications Manager Animal Nutrition

+31 416 317 721

Contact me