Sustainability targets: development and progress during 2022
The sustainability report, published on the 3rd of July, highlighted how Perstorp during 2022 developed and implemented the internal practices needed to reach our 2030 targets. In terms of results, we saw large reductions in CO2 emissions, which mostly was due to lower production. As being a sustainable solutions provider is part of our corporate mission, the work towards becoming Finite Material Neutral and decreasing our CO2-emissons continues.
During last year, Perstorp created roadmaps to outline the actions needed to fulfil the 2030 sustainability targets, including the new targets for freshwater consumption and for hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
Looking at the results for 2022, we see that the intensity increase for energy and water consumption and waste generation. The absolute reductions in GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, water and wastewater generation were primarily a consequence of our production sites running on low production capacities due to decreased production volumes. The absolute numbers will increase when the production volume increases. Although, despite increased intensity in energy consumption in 2022, the Scope 1&2 emission intensity declined. This was achieved by the ongoing phaseout of fossil energy sources.
To understand how Perstorp is progressing so far towards our 2030 targets, it is most relevant to look at the intensity within each target area.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Absolute reduction of CO2 equivalents in scope 1 & 2 – Target is -46 %, and the status against targets was -19 %, which corresponds to -3 % in intensity.
Intensity reduction of CO2 equivalents in scope 3 - Target is -27,8 %, and the status against targets was -3 %, which corresponds to -19% in absolute.
Absolute reduction of fresh water consumption - Target is -30 %, and the status against targets was -10 %, which corresponds to +7 % in intensity.
Absolute reduction of Hazardous waste - Target is -30 %, and the status against targets was -9 %, which corresponds to +9 % in intensity.
Absolute reduction of non-Hazardous waste - Target is -30 %, and the status against targets was -28 %, which corresponds to -14 % in intensity.
Products reaching the consumer or professional market that are chemical of concern – Target is 0, and the status against targets was that 25 % of substances are fully assessed.
New developed products that are safe sustainable chemicals – 100 %
By executing our roadmap until 2030 and realizing reduction projects like Project Air and wastewater recycling projects, reductions in both intensity and absolute numbers are expected over the years to come. Perstorp will continue to define sustainability targets that ensure we are an enabler of the sustainable transformation and to ensure that we never stop caring for fundamental rights and responsibilities.