Massbalance: Enabling the industrial transition to happen

To enable a sustainable, efficient transition, we are committed to the issue of mass balance, where we have a strict view of its function. We see mass balance as a prerequisite for driving the large-scale phasing out of fossil raw materials within the chemical industry, with the goal of a fully converted industry. It enables a step-by-step transformation to recycled and renewable raw materials.

A strict view of mass balance drives the real transformation 

In the market today different mass balance methods are used, with different levels of traceability. This creates confusion and makes it difficult for end users to trust the method.  

Mass balance must be trustworthy to gain widespread acceptance, enabling the transformation of material products. As we see it, mass balance methodology has to:

• drive real change; supporting the development of the recycled/renewable raw materials and the development of efficient production processes needed for the real transformation of the industry. 

• be transparent and have acceptance from all parties in the value chain including governments, regulators, brand owners and end consumers. 

This is why we are using and advocating for a mass balance with chemical and physical traceability. By applying this throughout the value chain there is a connection from the raw material to the end product, which drives the real phase out of fossil raw materials.

 Read more about massbalance here>>