One molecule can change everything

At Perstorp, sustainability is more than just a guiding principle—it's an integral part of how we operate. As a leader in the specialty chemicals industry, we understand that the future of our industry relies on reducing our environmental impact at every stage of production. By implementing specific, measurable changes, we ensure that every molecule we produce is a step towards a more sustainable future.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We have set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aiming for a 46.2% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions and a 27.8% reduction per ton of product sold in Scope 3 emissions by 2030, compared to our 2019 baseline. Our strategy includes transitioning from fossil fuels to non-fossil energy sources and improving energy efficiency across our operations. For example, in 2023, we continued phasing out fossil peat as a fuel and replaced fossil fuel oil with bio-oil at our Perstorp site in Sweden. These initiatives are crucial steps in our broader long-term ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral.

Innovations in Water and Waste Management

Water management is a critical component of our sustainability efforts. Our production sites use water extensively, whether as a solvent, heat-transfer medium, or for cooling. To reduce our water footprint, we have implemented technologies to recycle and reuse water. A notable project completed in 2023 at our Stenungsund site in Sweden involved purifying wastewater from a municipal treatment plant, allowing us to save 0.65 billion liters of freshwater annually, with potential future savings of up to 1.1 billion liters. This project is part of realizing our 2030 target of a 30% waste reduction.

In waste management, we focus on minimizing waste generation and finding new uses for by-products. In 2023, we successfully implemented a process at our Bruchhausen site in Germany to recycle a share of a significant waste stream back into the production process, reducing hazardous waste sent for disposal.

Process Optimization and Technological Upgrades

Continuous improvement is an essential part of our sustainability journey. In 2023, we further developed the monitoring systems at our production facilities to provide real-time data, enabling us to optimize processes, reduce resource use, and minimize emissions. We also integrated more automation to improve efficiency and consistency across our operations. These upgrades are part of our broader commitment to reducing our environmental impact through technological innovation.

Strategic Framework for Sustainability

Our sustainability initiatives are guided by a strategic framework that integrates sustainability into every aspect of our operations. This includes roadmaps which have been developed for each production site to reach specific targets for each category of improvement. These roadmaps help us achieve our 2030 targets, which include a 30% absolute reduction in freshwater consumption and a 30% reduction in hazardous and non-hazardous waste directed to disposal. By embedding sustainability into our production processes, we not only reduce our own impact but also support our customers in achieving their sustainability goals.

In addition to these roadmaps for technical roadmaps, we have an overarching mission: to be the sustainable solutions provider. Through our focused efforts on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, optimizing water and waste management, and continuously improving our production processes, we are making significant progress towards our sustainability goals. These efforts reflect our dedication to sustainability at every level of production, setting a strong example for the chemical industry and contributing to a more sustainable future for all.