Pave the way for next generation lubricants

Perstorp increases supply and adds capacity by entering the market for Isononanoic Acid.

In this webinar we present a new addition to the Perstorp product portfolio, Isononanoic Acid.

  • Learn how Isononanoic Acid is one of the solutions to mitigate global warming
  • Learn how Isononanoic Acid produced by Perstorp is guaranteed to meet the highest quality standards
  • Learn how Perstorp secures supply of Isononanoic Acid for its customers


Betty Lu - VP, Business Management, Oxo & Plasticizer, Perstorp

Logan Tseng - Global Business Development Manager, Engineered Fluids, Perstorp

Sam Chia - Business Manager, Oxo, Perstorp


"Perstorp strives to be the sustainable solution provider. Launching Isononanoic Acid, together with Perstorp’s other essential polyols (Penta, Di-Penta) and acids (like 2-EHA and Valeric Acid), we commit to support the sustainable transformation in the cooling industry", says Logan Tseng, Global Business Development Manager Engineered Fluids, Perstorp.

This live webinar took place on March 10th 2022. You can re-watch the recording now.

Logan Tseng

Business Development Director Engineered Fluids

+886 988 349 490

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Logan Tseng

Business Development Director Engineered Fluids

+886 988 349 490

Contact me