showing 2807 result(s)
07 November 2017
Plasten i Sverige fyller 100 år!
Den 6 december firas detta med ett seminarium på Persgården om plastens historia och framtidsvisioner, arrangerat av Plastens Hus.
02 November 2017
New website:
At Perstorp, we believe in focused innovation. Being more efficient in feeding, improving the performance of your animals and altering the current standard are things that drive our research.
アニマルニュートリション, 飼料酸性化, 家畜の健康
24 November 2017
Price increase 2-EHA
Leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp will increase price for 2-ethylhexanoic acid (2-EHA) effective 1 April 2017 or as existing contracts permit. Effective 1 December or as existing contracts permit, Perstorp will increase the price of 2-ethylhexanoic acid (2-EHA) by US$ 100/MT in APAC and 75 EUR/MT in Europe.
18 July 2017
Capa™ given Food approval in US
Perstorp has acquired food contact use approval for its Capa™ for Bioplastics product grades 6500D and the new 6800D. By adding Capa 6800D to its product portfolio, Perstorp can now offer a higher molecular weight product to give customers more choices and flexibility in finding the right formulation.
バイオプラスチック, プラスチック原料, Capa
06 July 2017
Apples and oranges - how to judge your mold inhibitor
Do you know how much value you get for your investment in mold inhibitors? Comparing different mold inhibitors can be difficult. But a few simple pointers can make it a lot easier.
アニマルニュートリション, サイレージ, 防カビ
28 June 2017
Propionic acid market outlook report
Perstorp foresees a continued stable growth in the demand for propionic acid in the coming five years.
アニマルニュートリション, サイレージ
15 March 2017
Price increases for TMP, Neo, Penta and Di-Penta
Effective April 1, 2017, or as existing contracts permit, Perstorp will increase the price of Trimethylolpropane, Neopentyl Glycol, Pentaerythritol, and Di-Pentaerythritol in America, Canada and Mexico (NAFTA) per below.
15 March 2017
Perstorp increases price for Emoltene™ 100
Effective April 1, 2017, or as existing contracts permit, Perstorp will increase the price of Emoltene™ 100 in America, Canada and Mexico (NAFTA) per below.
15 March 2017
Perstorp increases price for 2-EHA
Leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp will increase price for 2-ethylhexanoic acid (2-EHA) effective 1 April 2017 or as existing contracts permit.
09 March 2017
Free seminar: Growth promotion without antimicrobials in poultry
Will you be at VIV Asia next week? On Wednesday (March 15th) you could join the free seminar about growth promotion without antimicrobials in poultry, organized by Proagrica. One of the speakers will be our very own Dr. Devendra Verma, who will discuss the Gut-trophic effects of Tri-butyrin (ProPhorce™ SR).