showing 2808 result(s)
22 December 2011
Perstorp and PTT Global Chemical sign joint venture for products delivered to the polyurethane industry
投資家情報, パーストープについて
24 November 2020
Perstorp plan to reduce carbon emission with half million tons by producing sustainable methanol
Perstorp, a global leader in the specialty chemicals market, has developed a production concept to produce methanol from a large variety of recovered end-of-life streams and hydrogen from electrolysis. Project AIR will build a first-of-a-kind, large scale, commercial Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) unit to produce sustainable methanol. The methanol plant will be unique in the sense that it is a combined CCU and gasification process where CO2, residue streams, renewable hydrogen and biomethane will be converted to methanol. Perstorp plans to do this in cooperation with Fortum, Uniper and Nature Energy.
パーストープ, サステナビリティ, サステナブル
17 July 2020
Perstorp Group has appointed Ulf Berghult as new CFO
Ulf Berghult has been appointed new CFO at Perstorp Holding AB as of mid-February. Ulf is a senior executive with a very solid background, most recently he comes from the position as CFO at Trelleborg, a position he has held since 2012. Previous experience includes similar positions at companies like Thule Group, Dometic and Oriflame.
パーストープ, パーストープについて
17 July 2020
Perstorp Group har rekryterat Ulf Berghult till ny CFO
Ulf Berghult har utsetts till ny finansdirektör i Perstorp Holding AB och börjar sitt nya arbete i mitten av februari 2021. Ulf har mycket lång och framgångsrik erfarenhet från ledande befattningar, senast kommer han från rollen som CFO på Trelleborg, en position han har haft sedan 2012. Tidigare erfarenhet inkluderar liknande positioner i företag som Thule Group, Dometic och Oriflame.
パーストープ, パーストープについて
08 July 2020
Industry representatives outline key credibility principles for new sustainability standard
As ISO is developing a new global mass balance standard for the industry, Perstorp together with three other leading representatives from the industry are calling to include traceability and transparency for credibility and transformation of the industry towards recycled and renewable materials.
パーストープ, 再生可能原料由来ポリオール, サステナブル, サステナビリティ
08 July 2020
Spårbarhet – en förutsättning för hållbar massbalans i industrin
Just nu påbörjar ISO, International Organization for Standardization, arbetet med att upprätta en global standard för massbalans inom industrisektorn. Som representanter för svensk industri anser vi att det är avgörande att denna standard har trovärdighet, driver verkliga förändringar och stödjer utvecklingen av återvunna och förnybara råvaror samt de produktionsprocesser som behövs. Av denna anledning har vi enats om några principer för att använda en massbalans som tillämpar transparens och spårbarhet. Vi hoppas att många fler kommer att ansluta sig till denna strävan så att vi tillsammans kan sätta en ny standard för en hållbar industri.
パーストープ, 再生可能原料由来ポリオール, サステナブル, サステナビリティ
06 October 2020
Perstorp introducing world's first renewable Oxo products
Perstorp is pioneering the Oxo-market by launching the first partly renewable carboxylic acids - 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid Pro 25 and Valeric Acid Pro 20. 2-EHA Pro 25 is based on 25% renewable raw materials, and Valeric acid Pro 20 contains 20% renewable content. The renewable material consists of biogas, and replaces natural gas using the mass balance concept. Users can expect the same quality as the existing 2-EHA and Valeric acid, with the additional benefit of a lower carbon footprint. The renewable oxo portfolio will also include oxo aldehydes and alcohols.
再生可能原料由来ポリオール, 可塑剤, 合成潤滑油, その他
08 October 2020
Perstorp announces Sergal as official distributor for Spain
Perstorp, a global leader in the specialty chemicals and feed additives markets, announces Biosecurity and Feed Additive specialist Sergal as the official distributor for their feed additives in Spain. A sole distribution agreement has been signed by both parties involved.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康, 飼料衛生, 飼料酸性化, 防カビ
20 July 2020
Interim report for Q2 2020
Perstorp Holding AB (Publ.) parent company for world leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp today announces its interim report for Q2 2020.
パーストープ, 投資家情報
08 October 2020
Perstorp anuncia Sergal como distribuidor oficial para España
Perstorp, líder global en especialidades químicas y aditivos para pienso, anuncia, Sergal, especialista en bioseguridad y aditivos para pienso como distribuidor oficial para España para su línea de aditivos para la alimentación animal. Las dos partes firmaron un contrato de distribución.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康, 飼料衛生, 飼料酸性化, 防カビ