showing 2810 result(s)
19 May 2014
Perstorp investing in Europe’s plasticizer future
The Perstorp Group, a world leader in specialty chemicals, will be focusing on its innovative plasticizer product range at PLASTPOL 2014. Considerable recent investments have enabled Perstorp to achieve best-in-class cost competitiveness for its general-purpose plasticizers, such as Emoltene™100. These investments have also included the development and launch of an exciting new polyolester plasticizer Pevalen™ aimed at sensitive applications.
03 December 2014
New EU GHS classification of formic acid
The classification and labeling for formic acid will be adapted. Perstorp, one of the major players in feed additives, is playing a vital role in providing alternatives to formic acid. ProPhorce™ AC 600 is formic acid that is partly buffered as sodium formate, and can be handled with substantially reduced risk. It can be used in feed and drinking water for piglets, pigs, sows, broilers, and layers.
パーストープ, アニマルニュートリション
05 September 2014
20140905 Magnus Heimburg new CFO of Perstorp
24 June 2014
20140624 Perstorp erbjuder nya alternativ for spannmalskonservering o djurhalsa
05 September 2014
Magnus Heimburg, ny CFO hos Perstorp
Magnus Heimburg har anställts som ny CFO på Perstorp Holding AB från och med den 1 december 2014. Magnus har lång erfarenhet från olika seniora chefsbefattningar hos företag såsom Scancem och Swedish Match. Under de senaste åtta åren har Magnus arbetat som CFO för Preem, där han lett en centraliserad ekonomifunktion med ett 140-tal anställda.
24 June 2014
Perstorp erbjuder nya alternativ för effektivare spannmålskonservering och förbättrad djurhälsa
Perstorp arbetar kontinuerligt för att på ett hållbart sätt förbättra foderkvalitet, djurhälsa och lönsamhet i syfte att stärka lantbrukets produktions- och konkurrenskraft. På den svenska marknaden är ProMyr™ sedan länge en välkänd och välrenommerad ensileringsprodukt. Under Borgeby Fältdagar 25-26 juni kommer Perstorp att lansera två nya produkter på den svenska marknaden: ProPhorce™ SR och ProSid™ MI 700.
03 September 2014
Perstorp underlines commitment to China and focuses on innovative Capa™ polycaprolactones
Perstorp, a world leader in specialty chemicals, such as Capa™, will be highlighting at UTECH Asia/PU China 2014 its growing commitment to China as the company’s production platform in Zibo is being expanded to include a new Neopentyl Glycol (Neo) plant. The investment represents a triumph of Chinese and Swedish engineering not only in the production of high quality Neo, but in terms of plant and environmental safety.
26 May 2014
Perstorp investing in caprolactone technology for PU market
The Perstorp Group, a world leader in specialty chemicals, will be focusing on its innovative caprolactone product range for the PU market at UTECH NA 2014. Considerable investments between 2011 and 2014 have doubled the capacity for caprolactone production and substantially enhanced market and customer support making Perstorp the undisputed world leader in this technology.
12 June 2014
Biodegradable & stable in use – now also food contact approved
Perstorp is the world leader in the supply and technological development of ε-polycaprolactones (PCL) under the Capa™ brand name. Bioplastics is a core focus area for Perstorp and an important part of Perstorp’s vision for a more sustainable future, and its commitment to a greener environment. Capa™ thermoplastics are an excellent choice for bioplastic formulations especially since they are now also food contact approved in Europe.
バイオプラスチック, プラスチック原料
15 April 2014
20140415 Nya och konkurrenskraftiga losningar inom komposterbara biomaterial
プラスチック原料, バイオプラスチック