showing 2809 result(s)
22 August 2018
Five trends in the food packaging market by David Engberg
The current trends in the food packaging industry are both a challenge and an opportunity for the market. In this article, I take a look at five main trends that actors in the packaging industry should be aware of.
12 October 2018
Why you should focus on the optimal carrier for your PET and PC masterbatch
05 April 2023
Circular packaging based on Perstorp’s Akestra™ 100 and Akestra™ 110 announced as an endorsed solutions in Europe
The Technical Committee of the Tray Circularity Evaluation Platform (TCEP) of PETCORE Europe has officially endorsed the use of Akestra™ 100 and Akestra™ 110, products manufactured by leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp, for the production of heat-resistant PET trays. Furthermore, the committee has recognized that the use of Akestra™ 100 and Akestra™ 110 do not have a negative impact on current European PET recycling streams.
パーストープ, プラスチック原料
14 September 2016
Perstorp’s Akestra™ compliant for food-contact use in EU
The key monomer in Perstorp’s Akestra™ thermoplastic copolyester has been added to (EU) 10/2011 by the European Commission. This means that all components in Akestra™ are now on the list of authorized substances for food contact use which proves that Akestra™ is fully safe for use in food packaging.
04 October 2018
Akestra™ the new copolyester in Europe
David Engberg, product manager of Akestra gives a presentation on how you make your food packaging stand out on the shelf.
05 April 2023
PerstorpのAkestra™ 100とAkestra™ 110欧州サーキュラー・パッケージのソリューションとして承認
PETCORE EuropeのTray Circularity Evaluation Platform (TCEP)技術委員会は、注)Akestra™ 100および注)Akestra™ 110の使用を公式に承認しました。これらの製品は、特殊化学品のイノベーターであるパーストープが製造し、耐熱性PETトレイ製造向けに使用されます。さらに、委員会は、Akestra™ 100とAkestra™ 110 の使用が、現在のヨーロッパのPETリサイクルの流れに悪影響を及ぼさないとしています。
パーストープ, プラスチック原料
31 May 2018
Food compliant and Fire classified
Perstorp's key monomer in Akestra™ holds both the positive opinion of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and top class plastic fire classification B according to EN13501-1
02 November 2023
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23 March 2023
Perstorp strengthens its sustainable offerings with world’s first 100% renewable-based polyols with negative carbon footprint
Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp has launched new grades for two base polyols that are now available with 100% renewable, mass-balanced carbon content.
再生可能原料由来ポリオール, サステナビリティ
02 November 2023
Taking circular food packaging to the next level
Closing the loop within hotfill and thin wall packaging solutions.