showing 2811 result(s)
09 May 2022
Milling Optimization
a perfect homogenous dispersion
アニマルニュートリション, マイコトキシン管理, 防カビ, 飼料ミリング最適化
26 November 2019
All disease begins in the gut
Hippocrates, father of modern medicine stated “All disease begins in the gut” way back in 460- 370 B.C. The gut plays a pivotal role in the immune system. Immunogloblin A (IgA) plays a very important role here and is produced and secreted in the digestive tract by the mucosal barrier that lines the intestine. Once this barrier becomes damaged, it impacts the ability to produce this extremely important antibodies. The ability to fight off all the harmful substances that enter the body is lost, leaving animals exposed to many kinds of infections. The gut is responsible for protection against toxins and pathogens including harmful parasites, bacteria, virus, yeast and fungi. The gut is also responsible for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients needed to supply the entire body with the required building blocks for energy, growth and repair. An inflamed gut impairs the body’s ability to absorb nutrients which leads to great performance losses and extra costs.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
20 November 2019
Minimize the impact of mycotoxins
ProSid™ TB offers a solutions to help reduce the bioavailability of mycotoxins and their negative effects. It protects the animal from all kinds of toxin threats while helping to reduce the symptoms associated with mycotoxicosis and the performance reduction associated with these symptoms.
アニマルニュートリション, 防カビ, マイコトキシン管理
14 October 2021
Organic acids, more than a water acidifier
Water quality is one of the most important aspects in order to ensure optimum health and performance in poultry production. The use of organic acids can not only help in keeping water sanitized but also on helping to maintain animal welfare.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
20 November 2019
Prevent the oxidation of feed and feed raw materials
Prevent the oxidation of feed and feed raw materials
29 September 2021
Innovative solutions to support intestinal health in broilers
Protecting the gut in monogastrics is a full-time job. Pathogens are a threat to animals, welfare, food safety and performance. Ensuring a healthy gut is one of the most important aspects in order to achieve optimal results in poultry production. All of that needs to be navigated while trying to keep the use of antibiotics to a responsible minimum.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
27 September 2022
The impact of gut integrity on broiler economy
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
29 September 2021
Les stratégies efficaces pour un meilleur management de la santé intestinale & le bon choix de l'additif adéquat.
La préservation de la santé intestinale des monogastriques est un sujet qui suscite beaucoup d’importance. Les agents pathogènes représentent une menace pour: les animaux, leur bien-être, leur performances et donc la sécurité alimentaire . Préserver la santé intestinale est une étape clé pour maximiser la production de volailles. C’est une thématique qui doit être bien maitrisée tout en minimisant l’utilisation des antibiotiques
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
03 October 2022
Animal Nutrition Webinars
Animal Nutrition Webinars
アニマルニュートリション, 飼料衛生, 家畜の健康, 穀物圧着, 飼料ミリング最適化, 防カビ, マイコトキシン管理, 酸化防止, サイレージ, TMR
14 September 2021
Nutritional aspects related to intestinal health and integrity
Join us in this live webinar with Prof. José Henrique Stringhini, an expert in monogastric nutrition from the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. In this event we will explore ways to support intestinal health and integrity in poultry farming through innovation in nutrition.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康