showing 2817 result(s)
25 November 2015
Webinar: phthalate free plasticizing webinar next week!
Join us next Tuesday, December 1, at 16:00 CET for a one hour free webinar on non-phthalate plasticizing via renowned media partner Specialchem.
Advanced Materials, Valerox
20 February 2015
Perstorp - headline sponsor of PVC Formulations 2015
The global conference PVC Formulations takes place on March 16-18 in Cologne, Germany. This year, Perstorp is the headline sponsor. Meet us there!
Advanced Materials, Valerox
07 October 2015
Silver sponsors of European Bioplastics Conference 2015
02 October 2015
Capa™ entering the world of art
Capa™ polycaprolactones unique heat molding properties are now making their mark in the world of art. Award winning artist Claire Jackson has been sculpting with Capa™ for about ten years, and is receiving increasing critical acclaim for her imaginative polymorph sculptures.
23 October 2015
Webinar on high performance coatings and adhesives - October 27th
Don't miss the opportunity to listen to Business Development Scientist and Market Development Manager Joel Neale's webinar on Capa™ polyols and Capa™ Lactide polyols for high performance coatings and adhesives. The webinar is held on October 27, 4 pm CET.
Resins and Coatings, Other
05 November 2015
Perstorp Interim report Q3 2015 now available
Perstorp Holding AB (Publ.) parent company for world leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp today announces its Q3 2015 Interim report.
Investor Relations
10 November 2015
Perstorp investing in a new course at Perstorp Gymnasium in autumn 2016
To help ensure that experts are around in the future, Perstorp AB is investing in a new vocational course at Perstorp Gymnasium for the autumn term 2016, namely Electricity and Energy, concentrating on automation. This will be a three-year course, teaching students to work with automated production systems. Perstorp Gymnasium has taught students Industrial Technology, concentrating on Chemical processes for many years.
08 December 2015
Missed the plasticizer webinar? No problem!
Last Tuesday Market Development Manager Anders Magnusson showed why a non-phthalate plasticizer doesn’t have to be inferior to ones with phthalates on a webinar hosted by SpecialChem. If you didn’t have time to join in live, you can still learn more about comparative trials done with Pevalen™ measuring volatility, viscosity, thermal stability and much more by watching the recording:
Advanced Materials, Valerox
10 November 2015
Perstorp AB satsar på Perstorp Gymnasium med ett nytt program hösten 2016
Som ett led i att säkra sin framtida kompetensförsörjning, satsar Perstorp AB på Perstorp Gymnasium som hösten 2016 kommer att erbjuda ett nytt yrkesinriktat program, nämligen El- och energiprogrammet med inriktning på automation. Det är ett treårigt program som ska utbilda elever för att arbeta med automatiserade produktionssystem. Perstorp Gymnasium har sedan många år utbildat gymnasieelever inom det Industritekniska programmet med inriktning Kemisk process.
25 November 2015
How to tackle requirments on low VOC in China
In beginning of 2015 a tax on 4% was put in place for all paint containing more VOC than 420g/liter. By adding this tax, China shows its commitment to a more sustainable environment. It has also lead to a strong trend on the market for low VOC coatings.
Coatings, Resins