showing 2816 result(s)
08 January 2021
Azelis and Perstorp sign partnership to strengthen the Animal Nutrition market in Great Britain
We are pleased to announce our partnership with Azelis, a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and food ingredients, to represent Perstorp in Great Britain for our Animal Nutrition range of gut health solutions, feed hygiene solutions, acidifiers, silage additives and TMR and grain preservatives.
Animal Nutrition
25 February 2021
Three ways organic acids impact the nutritional value of feed
Pathogenic enteric bacteria are a scourge for feed manufacturers and animal production professionals. They can have a negative effects on animal health and performance. Certain cases may even warrant product recalls.
Animal Nutrition, Feed hygiene, Feed acidification, Mold inhibition
14 January 2021
Price increase for 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid
Effective February 1st, 2021, Perstorp Oxo AB will increase its selling prices for 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid by five (5) cts/lb in the US market. All terms, conditions, and differentials will remain the same.
Products, Perstorp
14 January 2021
需給バランス及び原料価格の上昇により、Perstorp Oxo ABは2021年2月1日より、US市場向け2-エチルヘキサン酸を5セント/ lb値上げ致します。
Products, Perstorp
26 September 2023
Safe and Sustainable UV-Curing: navigating high-performance TMPTA alternatives
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has updated its chemical regulations through the 18th Adaption to Technical Progress (ATP) to CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures). Effective December 1, 2023, this amendment classifies Trimethylolpropane Triacrylate (TMPTA) as a Class 2 carcinogen, necessitating a shift towards TMPTA alternatives in UV-curing systems. Among the frontrunners in this transition is Perstorp, offering high-performance substitutes for TMPTA, with acrylates based on alkoxylates emerging as a prominent alternative.
Resins and Coatings, Products
20 April 2023
Perstorp Japan certified as trader with storage by ISCC PLUS
Perstorp is proud to announce that Perstorp Japan is now certified as trader with storage by ISCC PLUS, giving Japan customers access to Pro-Environment products with lower carbon footprint.
Perstorp, Sustainability
20 April 2023
パーストープジャパンISCC PLUS認証取得
パーストープジャパンは、ISCC PLUSのtrader with storageとして認定されたことをお知らせします。当社の持続可能な変革に向けた取り組みの一歩となります。
Perstorp, Sustainability
26 September 2023
欧州化学品庁(ECHA)は、CLP(物質および混合物の分類、表示および包装)の18th Adaption to Technical Progress(ATP)を通じて化学物質規制を更新しました。2023年12月1日より、この改正によりトリメチロールプロパントリアクリレート(TMPTA)はクラス2の発がん性物質に分類され、UV硬化システムにおいてTMPTA代替品への移行が必要となります。パーストープは、TMPTAに代わる高性能の代替品を提供しており、アルコキシレートをベースとするアクリレートがその有力な代替品として注目を集めています。
Resins and Coatings, Products
11 April 2023
A novel combination of organic acids helps poultry producers realize superior levels of gut health and performance
The link between gut health and bird performance is undeniable. When poultry producers support and encourage gut development from hatching, the bird achieves better performance levels over its lifetime. At its core, gut health refers to nutrient digestion and absorption via a stable microbiome. But there are peripheral benefits to good gut health including better immune function, protection against disease and general bird well-being which also contribute to overall flock performance.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
18 April 2023
Perstorp representing Swedish industry in meeting with EU environment ministers
Today, Europe's environment ministers, the EU Commission and important industry representatives from across Europe gather in Sweden to discuss how to deal with climate change. Perstorp, an industry leader with the ambition to become Finite Material Neutral, represents Swedish industry at the meeting.