showing 2812 result(s)
24 February 2017
Så skyddar du osten från Clostridier och säkrar ett bra ekonomiskt resultat
Skydda ost från clostridia med ProMyr™!
Animal Nutrition, Silage
17 February 2017
How organic acid based silage preservatives help animals stay healthy
It’s time to preserve, with ProMyr™!
Animal Nutrition, Silage
12 February 2017
Price increase Trimethylolpropane & Neopentyl Glycol
Effective March 1, 2017, or as existing contracts permit, Perstorp will increase the price of Trimethylolpropane and Neopentyl Glycol per below:
17 February 2017
Как консерванты на основе органических кислот позволяют животным сохранять здоровье
Как консерванты на основе органических кислот позволяют животным сохранять здоровье
Animal Nutrition, Silage
17 February 2017
Hur organiska syrabaserade ensileringsmedel hjälper djuren att hålla sig friska
Dags att ensilera med ProMyr™!
Animal Nutrition, Silage
09 February 2017
Quality silage grows profitability
ProMyr™ supports the fermentation process while preventing the silage from heating up when opening the silo
Animal Nutrition, Silage
09 February 2017
Качественный силос - залог экономического успеха
ProMyr ™ (ПроМир) помогает процессу брожения в силосной массе, а также не дает ей разогреваться при открытии хранилища.
Animal Nutrition, Silage
09 February 2017
Hur kvalitetsensilage ökar lönsamheten hos lantbrukare
ProMyr™ förhindrar förluster i fermentationsprocessen som orsakas av mögel och jäst
Animal Nutrition, Silage
31 January 2017
Perstorp increases price for 2-propylheptanol (2-PH) and Emoltene™ 100
Leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp will increase price for 2-propylheptanol and Emoltene™ 100 effective 15 February 2017 or as existing contracts permit.
Advanced Materials
08 December 2017
The smarter way to coat a car
Capa™ is easy to use, can replace between 5–20 percent of resin in a formulation and can help you meet regulatory requirements.
Coatings, Capa