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07 October 2021
ProPhorce™ SR, leader mondiale nel mercato della tributirrina per l'alimentazione animale, celebra il decimo anniversario
Questo trimestre, il produttore globale di additivi per mangimi Perstorp festeggerà 10 anni di impiego commerciale della soluzione pionieristica ProPhorce™ SR, basata sulla tributirrina per l'alimentazione animale. ProPhorce™ SR è diventato rapidamente uno dei prodotti di punta dell'azienda per favorire la salute e la funzionalità intestinale. L'innovativa applicazione del processo di esterificazione ha garantito il rilascio di acido butirrico inodore proprio dove è di maggior beneficio per gli animali. Per celebrare l’evento, Perstorp sta organizzando una serie di attività per festeggiare e ricordare i risultati ottenuti dai prodotti nel corso del decennio.
Press Release
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
26 March 2021
Positive feedback for Project AIR for sustainable methanol production from EU Innovation Fund
Specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp is planning large-scale production of sustainable methanol from captured carbon dioxide and other residue streams. This could contribute substantially towards a climate-neutral industry. Project AIR, which Perstorp has created with partners, has been approved for the next level of evaluation from the EU Innovation Fund, one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies.
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
26 March 2021
EU:s Innovationsfond ger svenskt industriomställningsprojekt toppoäng
Med hjälp av infångad koldioxid och andra restmaterial vill kemikoncernen Perstorp tillsammans med Fortum och Uniper tillverka hållbar metanol i stor skala, vilket vore ett avgörande steg mot en klimatneutral industri. Nu har EU:s Innovationsfond meddelat att projektet gått vidare för fortsatt utvärdering.
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
07 October 2021
ProPhorce™ SR – líder mundial de mercado em tributirina para nutrição animal – celebra o seu décimo aniversário
A partir de outubro, a multinacional sueca Perstorp, inicia as celebrações dos 10 anos do lançamento do ProPhorce™ SR, a solução pioneira em tributirinas para nutrição animal. O ProPhorce™ SR se tornou rapidamente um dos principais produtos da empresa, pois melhora significativamente a saúde intestinal e desempenho animal. A aplicação inovadora do processo de esterificação garantiu ácido butírico estável e inodoro, com comprovada liberação no intestino. Para marcar a ocasião, a Perstorp está organizando uma série de atividades para celebrar as conquistas do produto ao longo de uma década.
Press Release
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
23 June 2021
Project Air receives EUR 30 million from the Swedish Energy Agency to reduce carbon emissions
Project AIR is an industrial concept to produce methanol from a large variety of recovered end-of-life streams and hydrogen from electrolysis. The project is carried out by the Swedish chemical group Perstorp in cooperation with partners Uniper (Germany) and Fortum (Finland), and the aim is to reduce carbon emissions by up to half million tons annually. Project Air has now been allocated approximately EUR 30 million by the Swedish Energy Agency, and is now applying for EU Innovation Fund to realize the project.
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
17 May 2021
Perstorp launches Emoltene™ 100 Pro: a durable DPHP plasticizer based on renewable material
Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp is pioneering in the PVC market with the introduction of a general-purpose plasticizer partly based on renewable raw material using a traceable mass balance concept. Emoltene™ 100 Pro is a dipropylheptyl phthalate (DPHP) designed to support sustainable sourcing of renewable and recycled raw materials and reduction of carbon dioxide emission throughout the value chain.
Press Release
Perstorp, Pro-Environment polyols, Products, Pro-Environment, PVC Plasticizers, Advanced Materials
07 October 2021
Weltweit führendes Produkt bei Tributyrinen für die Tierernährung: ProPhorce™ SR feiert 10-jähriges Jubiläum
Perstorp, ein weltweit tätiger Hersteller von Futterzusatzstoffen, hat in diesem Quartal einen besonderen Grund zum Feiern: ProPhorce™ SR, die bahnbrechende Tributyrin-Lösung des Unternehmens für die Tierernährung, wird seit 10 Jahren erfolgreich kommerziell vertrieben. ProPhorce™ SR wurde schnell zu einem der Leitprodukte des Unternehmens zur Unterstützung einer gesunden und leistungsfähigen Darmflora. Durch die innovative Anwendung des Veresterungsverfahrens gelingt es, Buttersäure geruchlos dort freizusetzen, wo sie für die Tiere die größten Vorteile bringt. Aus Anlass des Jubiläums organisiert Perstorp eine Veranstaltungsreihe zur Würdigung der Erfolge des Produkts in der vergangenen Dekade.
Press Release
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
25 October 2021
Ulf Berghult, CFO, leaves Perstorp
Ulf Berghult has decided to leave Perstorp for a CFO role elsewhere.
Press Release
07 October 2021
ProPhorce™ SR, el líder mundial del mercado de tributirinas para nutrición animal, celebra su décimo aniversario
Este trimestre, el productor global de aditivos alimentarios Perstorp celebra los diez años de la comercialización de ProPhorce SR, tributirinas para nutrición animal. ProPhorce™ SR se convirtió rápidamente en uno de los productos estrella de la empresa para la mejora de la salud intestinal y las producciones. El innovador proceso de esterificación asegura que el ácido butírico se libera allí donde más beneficia a los animales, en el intestino, y sin problemas de olor. Con motivo de este aniversario, Perstorp organiza una serie de actividades para celebrar y conmemorar los logros del producto a lo largo de la década.
Press Release
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
01 July 2021
New EVP for Perstorp Animal Nutrition Aart Mateboer to realize ambitious plans
Perstorp is proud to announce that Aart Mateboer has been recruited to lead its Animal Nutrition business, which is going through a rapid transformation to fortify its position as a true solutions provider for the Animal Nutrition industry.
Press Release
Animal Nutrition, Perstorp