showing 2810 result(s)
13 May 2022
02 August 2022
International Beer Day a celebration of fermentation
The first Friday of August is a very special day. It is International Beer Day! Time to gather with friends and enjoy the taste of beer and to unite the world under the banner of beer, by celebrating the beers of all nations together.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
07 July 2022
Successful capacity increase of 2-EHA
2-Ethylhexanoic Acid (2-EHA) is one of the flagship products within Perstorp Group, which has the largest production capacity in the world. During the spring plant Stenungsund, Sweden, has further increased the capacity to meet global demand from customers.
06 June 2022
The importance of keeping cool when feeding TMR - part 1
A total mixed ration (TMR) is a blend of silage, grains, other feed by-products, concentrates, and minerals; everything a cow needs for optimal milk production. It is consistent in its composition and is fed to cows at least once a day, making it an efficient way of delivering nutrients to the dairy herd.
Animal Nutrition, TMR
07 July 2022
08 June 2022
Green chemistry – the hidden climate hero
On June 2, Perstorp and Project Air met with stakeholders to discuss the role of the chemical industry for other industries and the green transition.
Perstorp, Sustainability
06 June 2022
Kühl bleiben beim Füttern von TMR - Teil 1
Eine Totale Mischration (TMR) ist eine Mischung aus Silage, Getreide, Nebenprodukten, Kraftfutter und Mineralstoffen – alles, was eine Kuh für eine optimale Milchproduktion benötigt. Sie ist eine gleichbleibende Zusammensetzung und wird mindestens einmal pro Tag an die Kühe verfüttert. Das macht sie zu einer effizienten Fütterungsmethode für die Nährstoffversorgung der Milchviehherde.
Animal Nutrition, TMR
28 June 2022
The importance of keeping cool when feeding TMR - part 2
In part 1 of this article, you learned that when all the elements of the diet are mixed together in the TMR, the cows receive a balanced diet with each bite. However, there are unwanted microorganisms in the TMR, known as aerobic spoilage, that can reduce the feed's nutritive value and palatability. The rising temperature of the TMR causes more unwanted fermentation.
Animal Nutrition, TMR
28 June 2022
Kühl bleiben beim Füttern von TMR - Teil 2
In Teil 1 dieses Artikels haben sie erfahren, dass die Kühe mit jedem Bissen eine ausgewogene Fütterung erhalten, wenn alle Bestandteile des Futters in der TMR gemischt sind. Durch das Wachstum unerwünschter Mikroorganismen in der TMR kann es jedoch zu aerobem Verderb kommen. Mit steigender Temperatur der TMR nimmt die unerwünschte Fermentation zu.
Animal Nutrition, TMR
12 September 2022
Greener buildings with coatings based on alkyd emulsions
Chemistry is found everywhere when looking at materials used in the construction or the finishing touches of a building. This means that innovation starting with the smallest molecular building blocks can make a significant impact on a building’s sustainability profile. According to the World Green Building Council, a ‘green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment.
Perstorp, Pro-Environment, Sustainability, Resins and Coatings