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22 June 2022
A plant’s roadmap to sustainability
The removal of all concerns around attaining gut health for farm animals is the core of Perstorp Animal Nutrition’s new gut wealth concept. That not only means being confident in supporting the gut health of your animals but also feeling secure in how that has been achieved. One of our goals is to help you to achieve animal gut health as sustainably as possible.
Animal Nutrition
12 September 2022
建築物の建設や仕上げに使用される材料には、いたるところに化学的な性質が見られます。つまり、最も小さな分子構成要素から始まるイノベーションが、建物のサステナビリティに大きな影響を与える可能性があるのです。World Green Building Councilによると、「環境に優しい」建物とは、その設計、建設、運用において、気候や自然環境に与えるマイナスの影響を軽減または排除し、プラスの影響を生み出すことができる建物であるとのことです。
Perstorp, Pro-Environment, Sustainability, Resins and Coatings
30 September 2022
Did you know that you can make paint from manure?
In our Pro-Environment portfolio, biogas from manure is used as raw material in chemical products used in paint. This reduces the carbon footprint and contributes to a circular economy.
Perstorp, Pro-Environment polyols
07 September 2022
Chemistry – a part of the solution
Even though 96% of all manufactured goods rely on chemicals, few people know the vital role chemistry plays in the transition towards a more sustainable society. In our newly released video, we explain how Perstorp and the chemical industry through collaboration in the value chain and by switching to more sustainable resources and developing circular solutions, will have a positive impact on the environment in various ways, ensuring a better future for all.
Perstorp, Sustainability, Pro-Environment
19 October 2022
Why your choice of water additive matters: a conclusive customer case
There is no silver bullet that can help control Salmonella in poultry production. It requires a full toolbox that is strategically applied for optimal results. One of the tools in this toolbox may be the use of liquid products applied via the water in the last days of broiler production. These products can support the management of the incidence of Salmonella contamination and transfer to the processing plants. But even then product quality and efficacy matters! Not all solutions are equal. Have you ever tried to cut through solid piece of wood with the cheapest handsaw on the shelve? Not recommended. So equip your toolbox with effective tools for optimal results. Fortunately one of our customers in the Midwest of the US has a flexible set-up that allowed for testing with different solutions over time, allowing for the results to be compared.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health, Feed acidification, Feed hygiene
07 September 2022
化学 – ソリューションの一部
製造品の 96% が化学物質に依存しているにもかかわらず、より持続可能な社会への変化において化学が果たす重要な役割を知っている人はほとんどいません。我々が新たに公開したビデオでは、パーストープと化学産業がバリューチェーンの協力を通じ、より持続可能な資源への切り替えと循環型ソリューションの開発によって、さまざまな方法で環境にプラスの影響を与え、すべての人により良い未来を保証することを説明しています。
Perstorp, Sustainability, Pro-Environment
11 October 2022
Valeric & Butyric Acid: keys to unlocking superior gut health and performance
The use of single chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as additives in animal production is a common and very well accepted practice. The benefits of adding SCFAs to the diet are wide ranging, including improvements in feed hygiene and stomach acidification to greater pathogen control and many more. While their mode of action is not completely understood yet, the scientific community continues to work and update industry knowledge. The most recent discovery is the importance of valeric acid in the gut. When valeric acid is combined with butyric acid, the synergistic effect of the combination of organic acids delivers more than the sum of its parts, supporting gut health and unlocking superior levels of flock performance.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
05 October 2022
Watch: Perstorp’s new state-of-the-art Penta plant in India soon operational
While attending Paint India 2022, Gorm Jensen, EVP Sales & Business Management and Jenny Klevås, Global Marketing Director spoke to Indian Chemical News to discuss the latest progress regarding Perstorp’s major investment in the region.
Perstorp, Resins and Coatings
05 October 2022
Paint India 2022に参加したSales & Business Management EVPのGorm JensenとGlobal Marketing DirectorのJenny Klevåsは、Indian Chemical Newsにパーストープの大規模投資に関する最新の進捗状況について語りました。
Perstorp, Resins and Coatings
14 November 2022
Breaking fossil dependence with waste
Together with partners from other industries as well as academy, Perstorp is working on finding a way to utilize waste that today is hard to recycle in other ways than through incineration for energy recovery. Turning waste into pyrolysis oil and use it as raw material for chemical products is a possible pathway for improved recycling and circularity that can also help the chemical industry break their fossil dependence.
Perstorp, Sustainability