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05 December 2019
The art of Feed Hygiene
Healthy and safe feed is essential for healthy and safe food – so it is important to have an efficient feed hygiene system in place to minimize the risk of pathogenic bacterial contamination of feed. For businesses a product recall is costly as well as damaging to their reputation. For feed producers it could also mean stopping production at a site, followed by decontamination, disposal of feed and materials. Where there is concern regarding contamination with pathogenic bacteria, measures should be taken to minimize possible hazards. Using effective methods to prevent contamination and recontamination of feed is important for both animal performance and the feed industry. In the past Formaldehyde offered a very effective solution against salmonella in feed. However being registered as a carcinogen, it was banned in Europe in 2018. The world is now looking forward to new solutions. Organic acids based feed hygiene solutions and heat treatment are currently considered the most efficient alternatives. Swedish additives producer Perstorp has been researching the effectiveness of other molecules and combinations of molecules against pathogens in feed for decades. They have come to know that optimal results are achieved by combining moderate heat treatment with optimized additives that prevent recontamination after the heat treatment. A finding supported by research.
Animal Nutrition, Feed hygiene
16 November 2020
Poultry Gut Health
Poultry Gut Health
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
16 November 2020
Gut health challenges for poultry
Optimizing the results of poultry productions requires poultry professionals to be aware of a plethora of challenges that can hopefully be avoided or otherwise their impact needs to be expertly reduced.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
18 June 2019
Mold inhibition
When you store feed or feed raw materials there is always a risk of losing nutritional value or contaminations with molds, bacteria and/or yeasts. Of course you want to limit this as much as possible to provide animals with safe feed with a high nutritional value. Well preserved feed or feed raw materials will keep its nutritional value for a longer time.
Markets & Products
04 July 2018
The changing landscape of gut health
Professor Richard Ducatelle is the head of the laboratory of veterinary pathology at Ghent University in Belgium. He gives us some insight into what’s going on in the world of gut health, and how we can ensure a positive future.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
08 April 2013
Ensiling moist rolled grain (crimping) is a flexible and cost effective method of storing feeding grain. Undesired microorganisms are inhibited due to the oxygen-free environment in combination with the preserving effect of organic acids. Using Perstorp’s crimping concept yields high quality forage and protection during storage and feed-out and facilitates the handling.
22 March 2013
Molds and mycotoxins
It is estimated that more than 25% of the world production of wheat, barley and maize is contaminated with mycotoxins resulting from mold growth. Perstorp offers several types of tools to deal with mould growth and mycotoxins.
08 October 2020
Antibiotic reduction
Antibiotics are undoubtedly one of mankind’s most valuable discovery. They help us - and farm animals - to fight diseases and other challenges such as pathogens. They also improve the growth performance of animals. We depend on them so much that antibiotic resistance is one of this century’s biggest concerns for our species.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
27 June 2017
All disease begins in the gut
Devendra Verma, business development manager, Perstorp Feed & Food
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
27 October 2020
Feed hygiene
Feed hygiene is a process approach to limiting the effect bacteria, fungi and yeasts have on your value chain from feed to fork. We offer solutions to support animal husbandry professionals in keeping their work free from the harmful effects of these micro-organisms.
Markets & Products
Animal Nutrition