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21 August 2023
Vi brinner för att uppnå framgång inom mag-tarm hälsa och foderkonservering
Foder spelar en avgörande roll i alla produktionssystem som involverar djur. Foder kan stå för så mycket som 70 % av alla kostnader relaterade till driften av en gård. Det är därför vi brinner så starkt för att hjälpa våra kunder att optimera sina foder- och foderråvaror. För i förlängningen innebär detta att deras djur mår bättre, och producerar bättre. Perstorp har nästan 60 års erfarenhet av att utveckla innovativa lösningar för lantbrukssektorn.
Markets & Products
Animal Nutrition, Crimping, Feed acidification, Feed hygiene, Gut health, Milling optimization, Mold inhibition, Mycotoxin management, Oxidation prevention, Silage, TMR
13 May 2022
The importance of Feed Hygiene in Zinc Oxide reduction
Pharmacological doses of ZnO were commonly added to piglet diets to support gut health and reduce the incidence of PWD, reducing mortality rates and the long-term improved performance of the animal. However, that option is no longer available to pig producers.
22 March 2022
Get the gut wealth feeling
At Perstorp, we believe you can find wealth through better animal gut health. It's not just wealth from profits. It's the feeling of wealth you get when gut health is completely under control. When your animals are healthy, happy and achieving their full potential - and when you're doing the best possible for people and planet.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health, Feed acidification, Feed hygiene, Mold inhibition, TMR
10 June 2022
Animal Nutrition, Feed hygiene, Gut health
19 August 2022
Obtenga la sensación de riqueza intestinal
En Perstorp, creemos que usted puede encontrar riqueza a través de una mejor salud intestinal animal. No es sólo la riqueza por las ganancias. Es la sensación de riqueza que se obtiene cuando la salud intestinal está completamente bajo control. Cuando sus animales están sanos, felices y alcanzando su máximo potencial, y cuando está haciendo lo mejor posible por las personas y el planeta.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health, Feed acidification, Feed hygiene, Mold inhibition, TMR
09 June 2022
Animal Nutrition, Feed hygiene, Gut health
10 June 2022
Wie geht es weiter?
23 May 2022
The role of water in piglet weaning programs without zinc oxide
The imminent ban on the therapeutic use of zinc oxide (ZnO) in pig production in the EU is a consequence of the sanitary and environmental risks posed by the use of ZnO, by the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP) in 2019. From the producer's perspective, its application does nothing but adding more complexity to the already highly demanding task of producing pigs efficiently and profitably.
09 June 2022
¿Qué ocurrirá ahora?
21 March 2023
Markets & Products
Animal Nutrition, Gut health