showing 2805 result(s)
23 May 2022
Water safety and Perstorp solutions
Modern livestock production is the key driver of the world’s food supply. In conjunction with this, feed safety and its related subjects, are of growing concern on a global remit. This concerns both humans and animals. One of those related subjects is the Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR), and strategies around it to reduce the use of antibiotic treatments.
05 April 2023
ProPhorce™ SR 130: learnings after a decade of use in broilers
Animal production is facing several challenges, such as constantly increasing demand for animal protein, limited availability of raw materials, raising prices of raw materials and production costs in general, and increasing incidence of diseases in both animals and humans. Animal protein producers have to try to overcome these challenges by implementing optimal production conditions to be successful.
アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
22 May 2018
The emergence of smart farms
The health of livestock is vital for the farming industry. We spoke to Karen Heuvelmans at RaboResearch to find out how advances in technology are set to improve life on farms in 2018, and beyond.
アニマルニュートリション, 飼料酸性化, 家畜の健康, 防カビ
22 May 2018
Growth by subtraction
Sometimes, it takes the removal of something to instigate and ignite a period of growth. For the feed and food industry in general, and for Perstorp, this has led to changes in the products people are buying, and advances in the science behind the products.
アニマルニュートリション, 飼料酸性化, 家畜の健康, 防カビ
01 March 2022
Gastrivix Login
14 November 2016
Capa for Bioplastics
On June 19, the webinar “Learn how to improve your bioplastics performance” took place with Linda Zellner, project leader for bioplastics.
17 October 2016
Capa for Coatings
From June 23 2015, Capa™ for coatings with Pär Jörgensen, Technical market development manager at Perstorp.
06 October 2017
Health and disease
Listen to Jose M. Ros Felip, Business Development Manager Gut Health at Perstorp, presenting the webinar “How to prevent entero-pathogens to grow along the digestive tract”.
17 October 2016
Pevalen - The general non phthalate plasticizer for plastisol
View the non-phthalate plasticizer webinar by Anders Magnusson. Made possible in cooperation with SpecialChem.
03 May 2017
Tailoring physical properties with polycaprolactone resin modifiers
Tailoring physical properties with polycaprolactone resin modifiers