showing 2807 result(s)
18 April 2023
Perstorp representing Swedish industry in meeting with EU environment ministers
Today, Europe's environment ministers, the EU Commission and important industry representatives from across Europe gather in Sweden to discuss how to deal with climate change. Perstorp, an industry leader with the ambition to become Finite Material Neutral, represents Swedish industry at the meeting.
18 April 2023
現在ヨーロッパの環境大臣、EU 委員会、およびヨーロッパ中の重要な産業界代表者がスウェーデンに集まり、気候変動への対処法について話し合われています。Finite Material Neutral(有限資源の再生化)という目標を掲げるパーストープは、スウェーデンの産業を代表してこの会議に参加しています。
23 February 2023
Ten most frequently asked animal nutrition questions - part 1
Our team talks to customers every day. The people that use our products and see the results. Obviously they sometimes want to know more about the product they are using, one they are interested in, or even the subject on which it has an effect. So which are the questions we get from our customers most often? We’ve talked to our team and gathered 10 of the most frequently asked questions in order to answer them here. We have published these answers on our social media channels. Here is a rundown in case you missed some:
アニマルニュートリション, アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康, 飼料衛生, 飼料酸性化
23 February 2023
Ten most frequently asked animal nutrition questions - part 2
We’ve talked to our team and gathered 10 of the most frequently asked questions in order to answer them here. This is part 2 of that top 10.
アニマルニュートリション, アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康, 飼料衛生, 飼料酸性化
24 August 2023
Petronas Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG) Q2 2023 results
Our parent company PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG) posted their Q2 results for 2023 on August 22.
投資家情報, パーストープについて
24 August 2023
投資家情報, パーストープについて
30 August 2023
Perstorp presentations at the European Coatings Show 2023
In March 2023, Perstorp attended the European Coatings Show held in Nuremberg, Germany. Over the course of three days, prominent figures and global experts in the coatings industry convened to establish connections, share knowledge and discuss the latest developments in paints and coatings.
樹脂, 樹脂・塗料, パーストープ
24 August 2023
Katharina Haydn joins Perstorp as Product Manager Gut Health
Perstorp is proud to announce that Katharina Haydn has joined the Animal Nutrition team as Product Manager Gut Health, with effect from 1 August 2023.
アニマルニュートリション, アニマルニュートリション, 家畜の健康
30 August 2023
PerstorpがEuropean Coatings Show 2023に登壇
2023年3月、Perstorpはドイツのニュルンベルクで開催されたEuropean Coatings Showに参加しました。3日間にわたり、塗料およびコーティング産業の著名人や専門家が世界中から集まり、人脈を築き、知識を共有し、塗料およびコーティングの最新の動向について議論しました。
樹脂, 樹脂・塗料, パーストープ
25 August 2023
Sustainability targets: development and progress during 2022
The sustainability report, published on the 3rd of July, highlighted how Perstorp during 2022 developed and implemented the internal practices needed to reach our 2030 targets. In terms of results, we saw large reductions in CO2 emissions, which mostly was due to lower production. As being a sustainable solutions provider is part of our corporate mission, the work towards becoming Finite Material Neutral and decreasing our CO2-emissons continues.
サステナビリティ, パーストープ