showing 2810 result(s)
25 September 2014
Capa™ samples in an instant
Customers and prospects interested in our Capa™ caprolactones don’t have to wait long for samples. Paul Pinder, Caprolactone Sample Manager, makes sure that they arrive in no time at all.
18 September 2014
Perstorp increases price for Pentaerythritol (Penta)
Leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp will increase price for Pentaerythritol (Penta) effective 1 October 2014 or as existing contracts permit.
18 September 2014
Meet Perstorp at 2014 Polyurethanes Technical Conference
Perstorp will be focusing attention on its innovative Capa™ caprolactones for the PU market at the 2014 Polyurethanes Technical Conference in Dallas, Texas on September 22-24. Welcome to meet us there!
21 August 2014
Perstorp Interim report Q2 2014 now available
Perstorp Holding AB (Publ.) parent company for world leading specialty chemicals company Perstorp today announces its Q2 2014 Interim report.
10 September 2014
The Valerox “heart” has arrived – reactor now in place
The Valerox project is one of the largest investments ever in the history of Perstorp, aimed at meeting the new demands in society on safe plasticizers. Last week, one of the last puzzle pieces and the heart of the new plant arrived at Site Stenungsund– the reactor.
20 August 2014
Rising Stars in the plastics industry
Last week, the newspaper Plastics News selected Linda Zellner, Project Manager, as one of the rising stars in the plastics industry.
Advanced Materials
05 June 2014
Graduation from Perstorp Gymnasium
Did you know that Perstorp has its own high school – Perstorp Gymnasium? Today is a big day for some of the students – it’s graduation day!
24 June 2014
Perstorp offers new alternatives for effective grain preservation and improved animal health
Perstorp works constantly in a sustainable way to improve animal feed quality, animal health and profitability to strengthen farm production and competitiveness. On the Swedish market, ProMyrTM has established a strong reputation as a well-known silage product. At the Borgeby Fältdagar agricultural fair in Sweden on June 25-26 Perstorp will launch two new products on the Swedish market: ProPhorce™ SR and ProSid™ MI 700.
Animal Nutrition, Mold inhibition
14 December 2014
Happy holidays & best wishes for the coming year!
We want the holiday season to be a time of joy for more people around the world.
24 June 2014
Perstorp erbjuder nya alternativ för effektivare spannmålskonservering och förbättrad djurhälsa
Perstorp arbetar kontinuerligt för att på ett hållbart sätt förbättra foderkvalitet, djurhälsa och lönsamhet i syfte att stärka lantbrukets produktions- och konkurrenskraft. På den svenska marknaden är ProMyr™ sedan länge en välkänd och välrenommerad ensileringsprodukt. Under Borgeby Fältdagar 25-26 juni kommer Perstorp att lansera två nya produkter på den svenska marknaden: ProPhorce™ SR och ProSid™ MI 700.
Animal Nutrition, Mold inhibition