Optimized dEB = Optimized Sows

Optimizing the dietary electrolyte balance, dEB, is an easy and effective tool for improving the performance in our production animals. A dEB value around 240 mEq/kg gives the most favorable daily weight gain compared to FCR. This is also true for the gestating Sow. However, DeRouchey et al, 2003, showed that a decrease of dEB with during the lactation period improved both Sow and litter performance. What will this performance enhancement mean in reality?

To answer this question we started a field trial in cooperation with Chamber of Agriculture in Nordrhein Westfahlen. Four swine farms (842 sows) joined the trial over a two year period, the first year without dEB optimized feed and the second year with dEB optimized gestation feed. Production parameters were compared between year one and year two within each farm.


Lactation feed 

Gestation feed 


Lactation feed 

Gestation feed


Farm Average 







All participating companies increased the number of weaned piglets per sow per year, average (+1,13). This can be partly explained by an increased number of piglets born alive but also by more weaned piglets per litter. The cost for optimizing dEB in the Gestation diet per sow per year was 7,5 € and extra profit per sow per year was 40,68 € which gave an average return on investment of 5,4 in this trial.

This field trial has shown that optimizing dEB in the feeds (Gestation vs Lactation) is a practical tool to get more out of your sows without compromising their future health and productivity.

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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