Joining Almedalen Week 2019
This week the annual Almedalen Week (Almedalsveckan) is taking place – a democratic week for anyone to join dialogues and meetings driving development in the society. We are excited to join!
Almedalen Week is an 8-day political festival running from June 30th until July 7th, with approximately 45.000 unique visitors and more than 4.000 official events. The festival is taking place on the Swedish island Gotland and is mainly organized by parliamentary political parties. Read more about Almedalen Week at
We are excited to contribute to important debates, discussing subjects such as working across industries and sectors to create a sustainable future, work environment and health, how organizations can adapt to changing global demands. Bedsides joining debates, we are also very much looking forward to gain new insights about recent developments, listen in on interesting discussions and network with peers.
During the week we will participate in a number of debates (in Swedish):
Tuesday July 2, 9:45-10:45:
Dags för ny industriell revolution?
Urban Svensson, Director Global Procurement
Tuesday July 2, 10:00-11:00 (closed event):
Snabbare Substitution
Linda Zellner, Director Innovation and acting Project Manager for Pevalen™ and Hanna Gustafsson, Product Stewardship Specialist Toxicology and Industrial
Wednesday July 3, 8:00-8:45:
Kompetensutveckling eller arbetskraftsutbyte – vad krävs för näringslivets omställning?
Cecilia Svensson, Executive Vice President Communications rel="noopener noreferrer" & Sustainability
Wednesday July 3, 10:00-10:45:
Hur kan bättre arbetsmiljö minska ohälsotalen?
Cecilia Svensson, Executive Vice President Communications & Sustainability
We hope to see you there!
Otherwise, stay updated on our social media channels, as we will share updates live from Almedalen.
Almedalsveckan 2018 (Foto: Region Gotland / Peter Häggbom Norrby)